FAQ:Support for soccer child and youth
love.fútbol Japan
January, 2021
Support for soccer child and youth
Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)
<For Applicants>
Q. Can the child apply for it himself/herself?
A. No. The application form must be filled out by parents, guardians or caregivers including employee of orphanages and NPOs.
Q. Are there any non-Japanese materials and application forms?
A. Yes, we have materials and forms in English, Portuguese, and Chinese.
Q. Is futsal also eligible?
A. Yes.
Q. Are transportation, food and medical expenses also covered by the cash benefits?
A. Yes, they are eligible.
Q. I am currently receiving public welfare. Will the cash benefit not be recognized as income?
A. The decision may differ depending on the municipality where the child lives. If you are receiving the public welfare and wish to apply the cash benefit this time, we highly recommend you to consult with your caseworker in advance to make sure that the incentive will be recognized as income for the intended use of the funds.
Q. Does my child need to have his or her face on the screen when they participate in the online session with a soccer player?
A. Not necessary. Your child can participate without video.
Q. Can we specify a brand or a specific product?
No. In terms of equipment, we will do our best to provide you with what you want, but please note that we may not be able to meet your request.
Q. What is the maximum number of people who can receive assistance?
A. Maximum 30 people.
Q. I would be happy to have similar support again. When are you planning to do the next one?
A. Currently, we are planning for the same time next year. However, if the needs are confirmed on a large scale, we will consider implementing the program again within the year.
<About the Project>
Q. Why do you limit this project focus to soccer?
A. Based on our Vision, Mission and experience, we have known that children watch their parents/guardians closely. Unrestricted incentives are very important because families are allowed to use the money for what they need. On the other hand, with funds that can be used for anything, children may have to put up with their passions so as not to inconvenience their parents/guardians. And we believe that playing sport can be a positive impact on children in the long term, not just a short-term. With the cash benefits this time, we are deliberately limiting the use of the funds to soccer, so that children can enjoy what they really love, soccer to the fullest.
Q. What is the purpose of this first year's project?
In addition to helping children in need, we aim to understand the scale of the issue and what they really need. In case the scale is large, we will try to encourage soccer community to join us or to develop new project to resolve the issue together.
<Interesting in Support (Corporations)>
Q. I want to support the projects. How can I support you?
A. Thank you! What we need honestly is financial support.
Please kindly note that GIK (Gift in Kind) will not be accepted.
For more information, please contact here.
Email: japaninfo@lovefutbol.org
< Interesting in Support (Professional Soccer Players)>
Q. I want to support the projects. How can I support you?
A. Thank you! We recommend you to join us 『1% FOOTBALL CLUB』.
The 『1% FOOTBALL CLUB』 is a co-creation with professional soccer players to develop a player-friendly platform so that you can participate at ease with high impact for social change. We need your support in order to provide the necessary support to as many children as possible.
For more info and contact.
< Interesting in Support (Individual)>
Q. I want to support the projects. How can I support you?
A. Thank you! You can support this project by becoming monthly supporters. This project is realized by the donations from over 100 monthly supporters. Please join us!
▷Monthly supporters