FAQ:Children and Youth Soccer Support Program 2025

love.fútbol Japan

Jan 2024

Children and Youth Soccer Support Program

Frequently Asked Questions

<For Applicants>

Q. Can children themselves apply?

A. No. The application must be from parents or guardians. Staff of child care institutions or NGO/NPO can apply for children.

Q. Can two siblings apply for one application form?

A. No. Please make one application form per child. If you wish to apply for two, please make two applications separately.

Q. Are there any other languages other than Japanese available in application forms and documents?

A. Yes. Other than Japanese, Simple Japanese and English documents and application forms are available.


やさしいにほんご(Simple Japanese)

Q. Is Futsal in the scope of support?

A. Yes. Futsal is in the scope of support.

Q. Can cash benefits be used for transportation, food and medical expenses?

A. Yes, it can. As the expenses which is related to soccer, it can be used for admission fees, monthly and club fees, equipment purchases, transportation, expeditions and camps, medical expenses, and meals. If you wish to use it for other purposes, please contact us.

Q. Currently we are getting social welfare protection from the government, will the cash benefit be counted as a part of income?

A. It is unlikely to be counted as income, however this understanding could be different amongst the local government where you live. Depending on how the cash benefit will be used, please consult a case worker if it will be counted as a part of income.

Q. Can applicants select a brand of equipment?

A. No, unfortunately they cannot. Although equipment will be provided based on the needs of applicants as much as we can, please understand that your request may not meet your request.

Q. It would be great to receive similar support. When is the next support?

A. Currently, we are planning for another support at the same time next year. However, if the needs are a lot bigger than we expected, we may consider another support within the year.

Q.There are three supports in the program, can we only choose one?

A. You can choose multiple options out of three. It is not guaranteed that you get all the support but the program is intended to support as much as possible.

<About the Program>

Q. Why is the program only supporting soccer?

A. We are supporting soccer programs based on our visions and mission and our previous experience in activities.

Children observe parents and guardians well. Unrestricted cash benefit is very important support which enables households to direct the fund where it is needed and serves utmost urgencies. On the other hand, since there are rooms to decide how to spend, children may not be honest with parents or guardians about where their true passion lies. Additionally, sport is considered to be a long term investment for growth of children on top of immediate returns to children. The cash benefit is restricted to be used for soccer purpose only, to empower children fully to enjoy soccer by removing other choices.

Q.This is 5th time support, where can we find the program contents and information about the previous program?

A. Please find information from below.




Q. I plan to work after I graduate from high school. Can I still apply?

A. The program is open to children and youth between the ages of 7 and 19, regardless of gender or nationality. Please kindly state the reason for the application, etc., when submitting the application.

Q. There are three supports available, can I only choose one?

A. Multiple selections of three supports are available. Although we cannot guarantee that everyone will receive the assistance they request, we are working to deliver assistance to as many people as possible.

<Corporate support and donation>

Q. We are considering support/donation. How can we help?

A. Thank you for consideration of support. To continue programs and activities, we primarily require cash donations. Apologies in advance but we do not accept product donations.

Please make further inquiries from below:


<Support (professional soccer players)>

Q. We are considering support. How can we help?

A. Thank you for consideration of support. As a professional player, there are ways to support through “1% FOOTBALL CLUB” and becoming a monthly supporter. Please find more information below:



▷Monthly Supporter details and entry:


<Support (individuals)>

Q. We are interested in the support. How can we help?

A. Thank you for consideration of support. This program is supported by more than 530 individual supporters. We would be grateful if you consider becoming a monthly supporter, starting from donating 500 JPY per month.

▷Monthly Supporter details and entry:
